Boston Metaphysical Society: Mystery at Pikes Peak #2

Boston Metaphysical Socieyt: Mystery at Pikes Peak #2 Cover

Boston Metaphysical Society: Mystery at Pikes Peak #2

Fleeing arrest in Boston, the team (Samuel, Caitlin, Granville, and Alma) arrive at the only safe haven they have–Tesla’s Experimental Station in Colorado Springs. There they meet Tesla’s most unlikely partner, Meihui Zhou, a scientist from the Great House Zhou in California. Life gets more complicated when an attempt is made on Tesla’s life and Caitlin’s psychic abilities take a dangerous turn. Now, they must figure out who is trying to kill Tesla and what Caitlin’s visions are trying to tell her before anyone else dies. (Issue 2 of 4 issues.)

This is a 27 page story in a 32 page book.

Art: Elisabeth Mkheidze

Color: Kaytee Brown

Letters: Troy Peteri

Cover Art: Angela Wu

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