Boston Metaphysical Society Vol. 1 Hardback Kickstarter Has Launched!

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I’m happy to announce that the campaign for our first ever Boston Metaphysical Society Vol. 1 Hardback has launched. This deluxe volume features not only our original six issue mini-series, but pin up art, a sneak peak into Granville’s weapons designs, PLUS A NEW and EXCLUSIVE TEN PAGE STORY with art/color by MJ Erickson, into a huge 164 page book!

We have an Early Bird Special which will go by faster than you think, so be sure to pledge today!

Kickstarter Link:

AND…Not only are we doing a limited print run of both the hard and soft covers, but for the first time we are offering 3.5 X 2” “Special Detective” Metal Business Cards in BRASS, COPPER, and BLACK STAINLESS STEEL in specific reward tier levels. However, you will have the option of adding on a set of all three if you like.

Be sure to check out all of our reward tiers and pledge today.

Kickstarter Link:

2024 Events

WonderCon (Small Press – 76). March 29-31. Anaheim Convention Center
Clockwork Alchemy. April 19-21. San Mateo Marriott
Anacon. April 27. Anaheim Central Library
American Library Association Conference. June 27-July 2. San Diego Convention Center
San Diego Comic Con, July 24-28. San Diego Convention Center
(Small Press L-03)