Chapter 5 is off to the Letterer!

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Chapter 5 is off to the Letterer!

I’m happy to report that Chapter 5 is colored and is now in the hands of our letterer, Troy Peteri. He’s a busy guy, but I know he’ll get to it as soon as he can. After Troy, I will hand it off to my production guy, Jason Dube, to compile the issue. If all goes well, I hope to have the pdfs to Kickstarter Backers by the end of the week and then it will be off to the printer! (Keep your fingers crossed!!) I still anticipate uploading new pages in early April.

In the meantime, please enjoy this review I did of Crescent City Magick for Fanboy comics.

Crescent City Magick Review

AND my interview with the fabulous Calvin Garcia the illustrator of William Feist: Paranormal Detective.

William Feist: Paranormal Detective

Upcoming Events:

Kickstarter Class For Independent Creators – The next class will be held on March 21 at 2:00 p.m at Pulp Fiction Books and Comics in Culver City. Class will cover, PR, social media, pre-launch strategy, creating your Kickstarter page and unraveling those reward tiers. Sign up by emailing Mike at (Cost is $40 for about 2 1/2 hours of class time.)

WonderCon – April 3-5 at the Anaheim Convention Center. Small Press Table 20.

Big Wow! Comic Fest – April 18 & 19 at the San Jose Convention Center.