Boston Metaphysical New Story Update And More!
I know you haven’t heard from me in awhile, but I’ve got some exciting news. (drum roll here…) The next installment of Boston Metaphysical Society is called
Boston Metaphysical Society: The Scourge of the Mechanical Men.
It is a 34 page one shot featuring Tesla and Granville Woods. My plan is produce it as a 44 page perfect bound book with lots of extras. Even more exciting is that I have the amazingly talented Gwynn Tavares on board to do the art. So please welcome her to the Boston Metaphysical team!
She is starting this week, so once I have some finished (and approved) art pages, I will post sneak peeks. This special story will be on Kickstarter early next year.
OK, guys this is really special….The 4th Monkey: An Anthology For Awareness is now on Kickstarter and I was honored to be asked to contribute a story. Mine is called The Scout and it deals withe bees and pesticides. The artist on board is the amazing Eduardo Jiménez . The entire anthology deals with social and environmental issues and the creators involved are fabulous. Please check it out and consider backing this important anthology today. Kickstarter Link
Here’s the first page of The Scout.
Please consider backing this project today! The campaign ends on Oct. 15th.
Upcoming Events
Ontario Comic Expo – Sept. 23-24. Ontario Airport Hotel
Gaslight Expo – Oct. 6-8. Town and Country Hotel
Pasadena Art Night at Pasadena City Library – Oct. 13
Free Crowdfunding Lecture at San Bernardino Main Library – Oct. 14 2 pm to 4 pm (Must be a member of the library)
Bakersfield Comic Con – Nov. 18-19. Kern County Fairgrounds