I received news from my printer that the books will arrive in port on Oct. 30 which puts it at my doorstep around November 6. I was hoping it would be sooner, but at least they are on their way. My fulfillment team is in place, which means we’ll be able to get them out faster. Yah! Also, the variants have arrived and they look awesome.
My plan is to sign, bag, and board the variants this weekend as well as to prep the stretch goal magnets. The metal variant proofs are being shipped to me Monday. I’m looking forward to seeing what they look like. I still have a lot to fix/pack/clean at my father’s house, so I’ll be in and out of town all of October. Fortunately, my brother is helping out a lot, but there’s always more to do.
I love Portland, and I’m so happy I went. It’s a terrific Con for vendor and attendee alike. I highly recommend going if you’ve never been. The only down side is there are not a lot of dining choices nearby, which I’ve always found odd; however, the public transportation is amazing.
Other News
Joe is finishing up the art for Issue one of Lady Mechanika: The Secret Garden. Once that’s done, I’ll be doing another dialogue pass before working on edits for issue 2. I’ve been asked to contribute to two anthologies. More information on that as I get it, but they should be fun!
2023 Events
Mini-Halloween Con – October 28, 4- 8 pm. Geoffrey’s Comics in Torrance (Free)
Indie Author Day – November 5. Anaheim Central Library