Experimental Station Copper Bookmark - 1.5" x 4"

New Kickstarter Shipping Update

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Unfortunately, there has been another delay. I found out last night that my printer was given the wrong information from the freight forwarder and the comics were released from customs yesterday (11/17) and not on the 13th like I was previously told. (Bah.) They are going to try and get it on a truck next week, but with the Thanksgiving holiday they probably won’t arrive until the week of Nov. 27th.  I’m in the process of letting my packing crew know, and I will reschedule that as well.  As usual, I will keep you posted.

The good news is that the digital rewards have been sent out. I still have 70 outstanding surveys, most of which are digital, so please fill out your survey so I can get those to you. If you have lost it, please use this link to retrieve your survey.

Survey Link: https://boston-metaphysical-society-mystery-at-pikes-peak-1-2.backerkit.com/

Backerkit Pre-Order Store is Open!

There’s still time to get the variants on Backerkit, but they are limited in number. So when they are gone, they are gone for good. Be sure to check out the new lapel pin sets.

Click here for the Backerkit Pre-Order Store

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