Kickstarter Shipping Update, Announcements, and more!

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Kickstarter Shipping Update, Announcements, and more!

I just dropped off the last of the physical rewards at the post office. Yah! Those were all to international backers, so they are on their way! There is still time to pre-order a the Backerkit pre-order store if you’d like a CD or Flash drive. BTW, the CDs look great!


Upcoming Kickstarter

Yup. I’m running another one. Here is the lettered version of the cover. (Cover by Marguerite Sauvage.)

Vol. 2 will include all four of the sequels (The Scourge of the Mechanical Men, The Spirit of Rebellion, Ghosts and Demons, and The Book of Demons) plus an EXCLUSIVE TEN-PAGE STORY with art by Roberta Ingranata. There will also be a brand new STEAM ENGINE LAPEL PIN. The new volume It will launch on April 12. Click here to be notified.

2022 Events

WonderCon – April 1-3, Anaheim, CA

Hellmouth Con – June 3-5. LAX Hilton

San Diego Comic Con – July 21-24. San Diego Convention Center

More to come…