New Fan Art From Caitlin Like
Today I have for you a wonderful rendition of Caitlin O’Sullivan from none other than Caitlin Like, the creator of Maiden in the Machine. A little bit about Caitlin…
Caitlin Like is a comic artist, frequent traveler and occasional homebody currently transplanted in Portland, Oregon. She’s a graduate of Fine Arts with a deep love of both science fiction and history and when not doing freelance flatting work, she can be found fitting those passions together for her steampunk adventure comic Maiden of the Machine– a story about two sisters trying to survive the social minefield of Victorian London after being kicked off their estate and forced into odd and occasionally violent jobs after the death of their parents.
Webcomic: http://maidenmachine.
Portfolio: http://www.caitlinlike. com/
Twitter: caitlike
Thank you, Caitlin!
If you have not completed your survey, please do so. OR if your address has changed since late 2014, please update it as I will be locking the surveys this Friday, April 10.
Big Wow! Comic Fest – April 18 and 19, I will be in Artist Alley, Table 642. Stop by and say “Hi.”
Kickstarter Class For Independent Creators – The next class will be held on April 25 at 2:00 p.m at Pulp Fiction Books and Comics in Culver City. Class will cover, PR, social media, pre-launch strategy, creating your Kickstarter page and unraveling those reward tiers. Sign up by emailing Mike at (Cost is $40 for about 2 1/2 hours of class time.)