New Review, Survey Updates, and International Packages
There are nine (9) outstanding surveys, so if you don’t remember filling one out then you probably didn’t. 🙁 Let me know and I can send you a direct link. You can email me at or message me through Kickstarter. I’d love to get your rewards out to you. 🙂
We received a wonderful review from Fanbase Press for Ghosts and Demons which you can check out here. A big thank you to them for taking the time to review the comic.
Because of the lack of flights out of LAX I’m seeing wait times now of almost two months before some of the packages even leave the U.S. My apologies for that and if I could do something about it, I would. They also seem to beating the packages up more than usual. (Sigh).
I’d also appreciate it if those of you who are outside of the U.S. to let me know if you have received your package. USPS is not updating in all cases where I know packages have been delivered.
New York Comic Con (NYCC) is still scheduled for October, but I’d be surprised if it happens. I have applied, but I have no idea if I will get in and even if I do, attending might be problematic. It really depends on the spread of COVId-19.
Please stay safe and healthy. Best, Madeleine