Airship from Pikes Peak #1

Progress on Pikes Peak

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The inking and coloring of pages 1-24 out of a total of 27 pages are complete! We are so close. 🙂 Hopefully, Troy, the letterer, will be able to get to it quickly when we’re done. Meanwhile, I’m putting together a bit of bonus material for Issue #2

A sneak peek from Issue 2:

Smashwords July Sale

On July 1, 2023, Smashwords is having their summer sale, which means if you’re missing any of my ebooks, Boston Metaphysical Society: A Storm of Secrets, Boston Metaphysical Society: Prelude (2nd edition), Kickstarter for the Independent Creator, and all of the novellas will be 50% off until July 30.

Bookmark the Link Today!

2023 Events

FanExpo Denver – June 30 – July 2. Denver Convention Center
San Diego Comic Con. July 19-23. San Diego Convention Center
Baltimore Comic Con – Sept. 8-10. Baltimore Convention Center
Rose City Comic Con – Sept. 22-24. Oregon Convention Center