Pikes Peak Update
The inking and coloring of pages 1-21 of a total of 27 pages are complete! So, progress!
Another sneak peek from Issue 2:
Experimental Station Bookmark is in!
The Experimental Station Metal Bookmarks are in and it looks terrific.
The Tesla Coil lapel pins should be arriving soon.
New Project (Sort of)
Boston Metaphysical Society: The House Wars
I have spoken in the past about doing a novel trilogy about The House Wars, which is the Boston Metaphysical version of the American Civil War. It takes place about 35 years prior to Boston Metaphysical Society: A Storm of Secrets. The first book was written two years ago, but I’m happy to announce I am back on it again! I’m working on book two with over 14,000 words put to paper. (It will be over 80,000). My plan is to finish the trilogy this year then allow time for rewrites, more rewrites, edits, etc.
Will this book be on Kickstarter? Yes. I’ve decided I will do a special edition for Kickstarter. It will definitely be a boxed set with awesome covers and art on the box, but I have not decided yet if I’ll offer a hardback version. I have numbers to crunch and printing issues to figure out first. However, I will let you know whatever I decide.
Between writing this and managing the production and eventual fulfillment of the Pikes Peak Kickstarter, I will be on social media less and doing limited Cons this year. Thanks for understanding.
2023 Events
Phoenix Fan Fusion – June 2-4. Phoenix Convention Center
FanExpo Denver – June 30 – July 2. Denver Convention Center
San Diego Comic Con. July 19-23. San Diego Convention Center
Baltimore Comic Con – Sept. 8-10. Baltimore Convention Center
Rose City Comic Con – Sept. 22-24. Oregon Convention Center