Round holo graphic sticker with a steampunk owl in the center


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We are deep into pre-press and should be finished soon. The design production looks gorgeous. The logo will be in two foil colors. The “Boston” and “Society” in silver, and “Metaphysical” in a blue hue. Then it will be off to the printer. We are behind the schedule I originally had planned out, but not significantly.  (Isn’t that always the case?) Once pre-press is done, and I have given final approval with the printer, it usually takes about six weeks for the books to arrive. This will probably put us at a July delivery date.

I have also ordered the holo stickers which should be delivered this week. I will order the metal business cars once we are done with pre-press.

A few have asked about a Vol. 2 hardback, and I’m strongly considering running a Kickstarter for that in the fall. I will keep you posted.

2024 Events

Comic Con Revolution. May 18-19. Ontario Convention Center
StokerCon. My 30 – June 2. Mission Valley Marriott, San Diego
Hellmouth Con. June 15. Torrance High School
American Library Association Conference. June 27-July 2. San Diego Convention Center
San Diego Comic Con, July 24-28. San Diego Convention Center
(Small Press L-03)