Will Caitlin’s soul be at stake? New page up!
I’m happy to announce that all the art pages and the cover have gone to the colorist. So we are right on track for the chapter to be done in October or early November.
Interview with Caitlin Like
I had the privilege of interviewing Caitlin Like the writer and illustrator of Maiden of the Machine. You can read it here: Caitlin Like Interview
Happy news!! Another terrific review for Kickstarter for the Independent Creator. For those of you looking to launch a campaign, you might want to take a look at it.
And we were featured in Bleeding Cool!
Woot! Long Beach Comic Con is upon us!
For those of you in the Southern California Area, Emily will be at Long Beach Comic Con: Sept. 12-13 (Artist Alley Table I-5). She will be there on Saturday, Sept. 12 from Noon-5 to sign books. So please feel free to stop by and say “Hi.”
I will also be moderating a panel. It’s called: Kickstarter: Crowdfunding Practical Strategies Panel; Sunday, Sept. 13 at 12:30 p.m. in Room 101A.
Upcoming Events
Kickstarter Class for Independent Creators:
Saturday, Sept. 26 at 1:30 p.m. at Pulp Fiction Books and Comics in Culver City. Sign up by emailing Mike at pulpfictiononline@hotmail.com.
Cost is $40 for about 2 1/2 hours of class time.
Gaslight Gathering: Town and Country Hotel in San Diego. Sept. 18-20
Convolution Con 2015: Marriott in Burlingame, CA. Oct. 2-4
Kickstarter Launch to Print Chapter 6 – Oct. 7
TeslaCon: Marriott in Madison, Wisconsin. Nov. 20-22