Boston Metaphysical Ch5 Pg1

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BMPS-Chapter-5 Table of Contents

Boston Metaphysical Society is Back!

Sorry for the long hiatus, but as you probably already know, comics take quite a while to produce and we wanted to bring you the very best quality.

To give you a recap, Granville attempts to learn more about “The Shifter” only to run into Edison and Bell trying to do the same thing.  Meanwhile, Samuel has decided to work with Tesla and refuses to listen to Caitlin’s objections. Caitlin believes Tesla’s motivations are less than altruistic and leaves.

If you’d like to find out what happens in Chapter 5 before anyone else does, you can purchase a print copy at StoreEnvy. It contains the full chapter as well as two bonus pages.

More fun stuff… while I was at the Big Wow! Comic Fest last weekend I had my neighbor, Ricky Eaddy, draw me my very own Steampunk Baby Groot. Here it is:


Steampunk Baby Groot By Ricky Eaddy


If you’d like your own Steampunk Baby Groot, you can contact Ricky at


Kickstarter Class For Independent Creators – The next class will be held on April 25 at 2:00 p.m at Pulp Fiction Books and Comics in Culver City. Class will cover, PR, social media, pre-launch strategy, creating your Kickstarter page and unraveling those reward tiers. Sign up by emailing Mike at (Cost is $40 for about 2 1/2 hours of class time.)

Clockwork Alchemy – May 22, 23 & 24. This is the steampunk half of Fanime in San Jose. So if you are attending Fanime, your badge will get you into Clockwork Alchemy over at the DoubleTree.  There is a special Author Salon with readings, writing panels and much more.  Steampunk attire not required, but always encouraged.

Phoenix Comic Con – May 28-31. This will be my first time at the Phoenix Comic Con and I’m really looking forward to it. More on that later.


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