Boston Metaphysical-Ch3-Pg15

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BMPS-Chapter-3 Table of Contents

Tesla and Samuel discover something very interesting about “The Shifter” on this new page. Take a look and let me know what you think.

I do hope everyone had a great holiday. Lots of things happened and are going to happen…First up…

I reviewed the second issue of TERMINATOR SALVATION: THE FINAL BATTLE for Fanboy Comics. It’s definitely for the hardcore Terminator fans out there. 🙂

I’m also in the middle of writing another Boston Metaphysical Society novella. It’s the story of how Samuel and Granville first met. My plan is finish the first draft of that before the re-launch of the Kickstarter. Speaking of which…

The numbers have been crunched and the incentives almost worked out. (Just some final touches here and there.) We will be aiming to fund the printing of the third issue which will not only contain the complete third chapter, but also six (6) extra pages of bonus material for a total of 28 pages!!  Next week I have to go do my little video portion, but it looks like we will launch the week of Jan. 20th. The exact date depends on how long it takes Kickstarter to approve everything, but I’ll let you know!

Enjoy the new page!

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