New Add Ons For the Vol. 2 Hardback Kickstarter

The Kickstarter to print our Vol. 2 Special Edition Hardback is going strong having funded in the first 12 hours. We’ve reached three stretch goals, and we are heading toward #4! Thank you to all who’ve backed and shared. But we’re not done yet. Due to demand, I’m adding on two more colors to the […]


Photo of SAGA Vol. 11 and 100 Cookies by Sarah Keifer.

THE BOOKS ARE DELAYED Well, boo.  I was informed last night that they are having delays at the port, and the books are now scheduled to arrive around August 29, give or take a few days. The good news is that I have all my packing material in place, as well as extras packed up, […]

Vol. 1 Hardback Update, Pre-Order Store, and San Diego Comic Con

The books are scheduled to arrive at the Port of Long Beach on August 2. It can take a week or so to clear customs and be delivered to me unless customs decides to pull the container for inspection, like last time. Anyway, I can’t wait until they arrive! I’ll be sending surveys out right […]


I finally approved the proof! It took a little more time than usual as I’m being extra careful this being my first hardback. (And I was being super picky about the foil.)  It will take a few weeks before I get an ETA on the books, but as usual, I will keep you informed. Also […]


Round holo graphic sticker with a steampunk owl in the center

We are deep into pre-press and should be finished soon. The design production looks gorgeous. The logo will be in two foil colors. The “Boston” and “Society” in silver, and “Metaphysical” in a blue hue. Then it will be off to the printer. We are behind the schedule I originally had planned out, but not […]


We have one week left on the Kickstarter and are going strong with five stretch goals reached and one more on the way. That means everyone who has pledged to a reward will receive eighteen (18) additional indie digital comics. For those who are getting the hardback, it will now come with a gray satin […]

Boston Metaphysical Society Vol. 1 Hardback Kickstarter Has Launched!

I’m happy to announce that the campaign for our first ever Boston Metaphysical Society Vol. 1 Hardback has launched. This deluxe volume features not only our original six issue mini-series, but pin up art, a sneak peak into Granville’s weapons designs, PLUS A NEW and EXCLUSIVE TEN PAGE STORY with art/color by MJ Erickson, into […]


This special limited edition hardcover (164 pages) will include our original six issue mini-series, pin up art by Jessie Mesa Toves, Melissa Pagluica, and Karl Altstaetter, weapons sketches from Granville’s workshop (new), and a brand new exclusive 10 page story with art by MJ Erickson. Art by Rebekah Isaacs. Color by Kurt Michael Russell I’ve […]

Vol. 1 Hardback Kickstarter Coming

As I type this, the cover, by Rebekah Isaacs, is being colored, but here is a sneak peek. Pretty amazing! This special edition hardback will include a brand new ten page short, pin up art, and a glimpse into Granville’s weapon designs. Not sure when I’m launching yet, but I’ll keep you posted. In the […]

Important Update to Issue 3 and 4 of Mystery at Pikes Peak

Picture of credit card sized ghost ship flash drive.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! By now, almost everyone should have received their packages with a few exceptions.  If you haven’t filled out your survey, you can find it through this link: ISSUES 3 AND 4 I’ve been holding off announcing this for privacy reasons and until I had more definitive information, but now is the […]

New Kickstarter Shipping Update

Experimental Station Copper Bookmark - 1.5" x 4"

Unfortunately, there has been another delay. I found out last night that my printer was given the wrong information from the freight forwarder and the comics were released from customs yesterday (11/17) and not on the 13th like I was previously told. (Bah.) They are going to try and get it on a truck next […]

Kickstarter Shipping Update and More!

I received news from my printer that the books will arrive in port on Oct. 30 which puts it at my doorstep around November 6. I was hoping it would be sooner, but at least they are on their way. My fulfillment team is in place, which means we’ll be able to get them out […]

Issues One and Two of
Pikes Peak are at the Printers!

Image shows a tall white man, a black man, and a red-haired woman holding an old box camera as they watch a ghostly ship enter Boston Harbor. All are dressed in late 1800s period clothing.

My apologies for not getting last month’s update out. For those of you who don’t know, my father passed away recently, and I’m the executor. That means a ton of paperwork, a house to pack up, plus a whole lot of other stuff that suck away time. A big thank you to everyone who sent […]

Progress on Pikes Peak

Airship from Pikes Peak #1

The inking and coloring of pages 1-24 out of a total of 27 pages are complete! We are so close. 🙂 Hopefully, Troy, the letterer, will be able to get to it quickly when we’re done. Meanwhile, I’m putting together a bit of bonus material for Issue #2 A sneak peek from Issue 2: Smashwords […]

More Progress on Pikes Peak and New Project (sort of)

Pikes Peak Update The inking and coloring of pages 1-21 of a total of 27 pages are complete! So, progress! Another sneak peek from Issue 2: Experimental Station Bookmark is in! The Experimental Station Metal Bookmarks are in and it looks terrific. The Tesla Coil lapel pins should be arriving soon. New Project (Sort of) […]

Mystery at Pikes Peak Update

Colorado Springs Experimental Station Magnet

We ended the Kickstarter on March 31 with over 900 backers and at 383% funded! Thank you to everyone who backed, tweeted, shared, posted, and helped get the word out. It means the world to me to have your support.So where are we in all of this? Funds have cleared and I’ll be ordering the […]

Post-Campaign Update and More!

Cover for Mystery at Pikes Peak #1

Thank you to everyone who backed, tweeted, posted, shared, and helped spread the word about the Kickstarter. We made all of our stretch goals and finished strong with over $32K and 921 backers. Next step is to wait for the money to clear and then I’ll start ordering pins, magnets, and bookmarks. Here’s a sneak […]

Mystery at Pikes Peak Kickstarter Update

I’m happy to announce that we are fully funded and heading toward our 4th stretch goal. So far, anyone who has pledged to a reward will be receiving an additional twelve (12) digital comics. For those who have pledged to a physical reward, they will also be receiving our TWO NEW BOSTON METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY MAGNETS […]

Boston Metaphysical Society: Mystery at Pikes Peak Kickstarter is Live!

Issue 2 Cover of Pikes Pek by Angela Wu

I’m happy to announce that the Kickstarter for our new four issue mini-series is now live. We have an Early Bird Special in the first 48 hours, as well as limited Variant Covers by Rio Burton and Steph C. so be sure to pledge soon. Her are our main covers by Angela Wu. And […]

Mystery at Pikes Peak Variant Covers

Variant Cover of Issue #1

For the first time, we are producing variant covers for the upcomingBoston Metaphysical Society Kickstarter! Issues one and two will be 32 pages long with the stories ranging from 26 to 27 pages, respectively. This means you’ll be getting some extras! What’s even more exciting is that these variants will be available as METAL COVERS. […]